Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Soap Silicone Molds

You would think that by now we would have mastered the silicone molds but judging by today's results, have much yet to learn.

Nancy has tried the whole range gamut of temperatures. The really weird thing is that one soap can pop out almost in perfect condition while the one just next to it will be a problem.

Here are some pictures of the today's batch:

This shows the mold itself splitting.

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This shows the soap split in two after unmolding:

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Here is another that hasn't split the soap but the mold was the same as pictured above:

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The other problem we have, which is what we are encountering most is where the top part of the soap sticks to the inside of the mold or a small chunk actually sticks to the mold. Not the best pics but maybe you can see the problem:

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I think I'll ask soap guru Anne-Marie of Brambleberry.com to pop in and take a look. Maybe she can provide some wise words.