Saturday, August 23, 2008

Braxton Has Entered The Room!

We made it back from our week long trip to the Oregon coast. I'll blog and post some pictures about that later this week. We left, thinking that our grandson Braxton would be born while we were gone. Of course we know that these little ones know when and where to make their appearance despite the fact that doctors always tell you they will be born by a certain date.


Well, poor Michelle was in active labor according to the doctor for about 3 weeks. Her original due date was Aug 8. Then they kept doing ultrasounds every week and expressing concern about his size. The told her that they'd probably induce either on Aug 2 or no later then Aug 8. Well, you guessed it, after about 5 different trips to the hospital thinking that it would be the night and then being sent home, aug 8 came and went like so many clouds drifting along in the skies.


By that time we were started for home from Oregon. The doctors told Michelle that they would induce on Aug 13, which was cool because it meant we'd be home in time to go and lend moral support.


I offered to take pics of the labor, but based on the photgraphic efforts at Jaedan's birth, I've been banned as delivery photographer for life!


Michelle and Josh checked in at the hospital at 8 am. They started her on pitocin and by about 3 pm, she had only dilated to a 5. At about that time, poor little Braxton had decided it was time to make an appearance, but he couldn't quite squeeze his head through, so that when he was actually able to get out, had quite a nice little cone head for a while.


They decided that perhaps a c-section was going to be necessary and gave her about 15 minutes to think about it. Must have helped because about an hour later she had dilated to 9 1/2 and within an hour Braxton was present and accounted for.


On his trip over to the warmer, he proceeded to poop that black stuff all over the floor and as soon as they had him in the warmer, old faithful went off and showered everyone within a few feet of the warmer.


He is a fairly quiet baby, a little bit bigger then we are used to. Weighed in at 8# 3 oz. and is 20 1/2 inches long. Reddish tinted hair at first just like his daddy's was, but now turned blonde. Blue eyed, which seems to be the standard for all our grandchildren.


Daddy Josh is quite proud, calling home during lunch to tell Michelle that he has dibs on the baby when he gets home from work.


Most of all we're just glad for a healthy little boy.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Furniture Pieces again

Here is my second Americana piece. I'm not sure about just the single blue star in the top middle. Nancy and daughter Jamie seem to like it. What do you think? (You can be honest, it won't hurt my feelers):


This is my first "set" of matching night stand/end tables. I've had pairs of pieces before but usually finished them in different colors:


This Ladies Desk almost wasn't allowed out of the house by Nancy. But she eventually decided she didn't have any where to put it so it is at the shop waiting for its new home:


This final piece is one my sister found at a yard sale. It was a child's makeup table, but the matching stool had been used for many nights by the family cat and it almost looked like a mohair covering there was so much cat hair. And it was also very wobly so it went to the trash.:
